React fundamentals
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This course is a mixture of lectures and hands on exercises designed to reinforce the topics learnt
Training Course Objectives
- Understand the principles of Single Page Applications (SPAs)
- Functional Programming in practice
- Components
- Forms
- Routing
- Testing
- Hooks
- Redux
Who it is for
This course is for developers who need to be able to use React to building web user interfaces.
Training Course Prerequisites
- Familiarity with HTML, CSS and JavaScript programming
Chapter 1 What is ReactJS?
- Single Page Applications
- Node and node_modules
- Transpiling
Chapter 2 Modern Javascript
- Arrow Functions
- The Spread Operator
- Destructuring
- Imports and exports
Chapter 3 Elements and JSX
- The Virtual DOM
- Basics of JSX
Chapter 4 Introducing Components
- What are components?
- Creating components
- Using components
- Component properties
- Component styling
Chapter 5 Component Events and State
- HTML events within components
- Why state is needed
- The useState hook
Chapter 6 Sharing data between components
- Passing stateful data to children
- Changing part of a stateful variable
- Changing a parent's stateful data
Chapter 7 Loops and conditional rendering
- Working with arrays in JSX
- Conditional Rendering
Chapter 8 Debugging
- The React Developer Tools plugin
- Debugging basics
Chapter 9 Getting ready for REST
- HTTP verbs and status codes
- REST principles
- REST api standards
Chapter 10 Making REST calls
- The fetch function
- Working with promises
- Axios
- Error handling
Chapter 11 Forms
- Why we need state with forms
- Creating forms
- Form validation
Chapter 12 Reducer functions
- The useReducer hook
Chapter 13 Building React applications
- Building the application
- Using Envrionment variables
Chapter 14 Routing
- The need for routing
- Internal links
- 404 pages
- URL parameters
- Query strings
Chapter 15 Testing
- Testing libraries in React
- Creating test functions
- Rendering components
- Reading the screen
- Finding elements
- Assertions
- User actions + changing state
- Mocks
Chapter 16 Global state
- The useContext hook
- Providing the context
Chapter 17 Introduction to Redux
- What is Redux?
- Redux classic
- Action creators
- Thunks
- Redux toolkit
Chapter 18 React Hooks and performance optimization
- The rules of hooks
- How useState works
- useRef
- memo, useCallback and useMemo
- useTransition
- creating custom hooks