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Conygre has a range of clients covering financial services, banking, telecoms, retail, technical, and public sector. Here are just some of our clients to date. References can always be made available upon request subject to client agreement if you want further details.

Public Sector
CapitaProvider of Apprenticeship training for HMRC and DWP including City and Guilds Assessment marking and facilitating the apprenticeship program creation.
Bristol City CouncilProvider of Java, JEE, UML, and XML training to Bristol City Council.
Cardiff County CouncilProviding IBM specialist training programmes for the IT staff.
Flintshire County CouncilDeveloped and provided reskilling programs in Java and JEE using IBM platform.
Kent Fire and RescueProvided XML and XSLT training to Kent Fire and Rescue using the Altova product suite of tools.
UK Passport OfficeXML and XML Spy expertise to the UK Passport Office in Liverpool.
West Berkshire District CouncilProvided eGIF consultancy services to W. Berks Council, authoring a strategy document for them regarding eGIF compliance.
NHS Blood and TransplantProvided a reskilling Enterprise Java program to this organisation.
Banking and Finance
Call Credit Information GroupAltova Stylevision training has been provided to the Call Credit Information Group.
PartnershipIn 2012 MapForce training and consultancy to delivered for this organisation.
Munich REA significant MapForce consultancy program was deliverd for Munich RE.
Lloyds Banking GroupLBG have been provided with analysis and design training.
Lloyd's of LondonAltova Mapforce training and consultancy provided to staff at the Lloyd's of London head office in London.
VISAXML/XSLT expertise to VISA using the Altova XML Spy product.
DeloitteWeb services training delivered using the Java platform.
ZenithBankConygre provided a four week detailed training programme for a team from ZenithBank, Nigeria, covering enterprise Java and Java based Web services and C# and ASP.NET Web Services.
HVB Corporates and MarketsConygre have been providing XML and XML Spy training to the investment bank HVB Corporates and Markets in the City of London.
Britannic AssuranceIBM ATG Dynamo consultancy services to Britannic, and also delivered Conygre Java training for Dynamo developers.
Friends ProvidentConygre provided the UK based financial company Friends Provident with a business analyst to assist in the specifications for their on line offerings for financial advisors.
HomeserveConygre have been providing Java training for insurance firm Homeserve.
Academic and Scientific
Guardian TechnologiesConygre provided UML training to Guardian, component makers for the drilling industry.
CarboliteCarbolite, the maker of high quality furnaces and ovens have used us for Altova training and consultancy.
Medical Research CouncilXML Schema, Java and XSLT training to the MRC at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge
Bath University Computing CentreXML, XML Spy, and Java training to Bath University IT department.
Biochemistry SocietyXML, XSLT and AJAX training to the Biochemistry Society in 2009.
Technology Innovation CentreXSLT training to the TIC in Birmingham.
AbcamTraining in testing Web applications to Abcam of Cambridge
BBCProvided Web services, XML Schema and XSLT training to the BBC at White City in London. More recently, AWS training in parternship with QA Training
ReutersSpring training delivered for Thompson Reuters
EEThe EE internet team with a number of the Conygre Java training courses covering basic Java through to complex J2EE and XML.
Vodafone IrelandConygre provide expertise to Vodafone, Ireland in best practices for building Java based Web services and J2EE development.
Unite AccommodationWebLogic Administration training delivered
WorksmartTest driven development practices training using the C# programming language and the popular RhinoMock framework
Ghana TradeNetWeb services training to the Ghananian Tradenet organisation.
AmdarisUML and software training to the customers of Amdaris
Cap GeminiJava and Java EE training on WebLogic to Cap Gemini staff
AppLabsTraining in the testing of Java applications to a group of senior application testers.
ATGOur very first customer, ATG have developed the leading Personalization server, Dynamo, and Conygre provide training expertise to ATG, not only in the Dynamo product suite itself, but Conygre also provide internal Java training for ATG employees using the Conygre Java curriculum. ATG have purchased a license to deliver the Conygre Java training material to their own internal engineers.
Cape ClearCourse authoring expertise to the California based company on Service Oriented Architecture, BPEL, and the Cape Clear Enterprise Service Bus product.
MetalogicAdvanced training course covering design patterns, test driven development, and UML modelling to Metalogic.
ContentMasterContentMaster are a courseware supplier to several international software and hardware companies. Conygre has written courseware for ContentMaster covering both Microsoft and Java technologies. Much of what Conygre has written is now in courseware used throughout the world.
RivComRivCom are a consultancy specializing in the development of business processes. Conygre have provided both training and development expertise to RivCom.
Oracle/Sun MicrosystemsConygre provide training and course content authoring expertise to Sun. We provide competent instructors who deliver Sun Microsystems Java Curriculum. Conygre have also written courses for the Sun global training curriculum.
Travel and Logistics
British Airways HolidaysConygre provided Web services training to IT staff at British Airways Holidays.
CitySprintConygre have been providing the courier firm CitySprint with XSLT and XSL-FO expertise using Altova Stylevision.
WeSupplyIn depth Hibernate training to WeSupply.
Rolls RoyceWe have been providing both C# and Java training to Rolls Royce at their sites in Indianaplis, Derby, and Berlin.
Royal SignalsXSLT training to developers and soldiers specialising in IT within the Royal Signals Regiment.
BAE SystemsJava, Java EE, and Business process modelling training to staff at BAE System in Filton, Bristol.
ThalesSpring, JavaScript, and Web services training
BVT Surface FleetProvided Business Process Modelling training on Oracle products for BVT.
MassJava Web services training was delivered for Mass Consultants.
ToyotaProvided Toyota IT staff who are specialists in .NET development with an overview of how the Java EE platform contrasts with the .NET platform.
Express GiftsJava training was provided to this large retail organisation who include Kleeneze
HSamuelsConygre began providing enterprise Java and Web application development training to the Signet Group, the parent company of the high street jewellers H Samuel.
Training Resellers
IndiciaConygre have been providing training expertise to the Scottish based company Indicia
Perpetual SolutionsConygre have been providing technical training expertise to the customers of Perpetual Solutions
Elite TrainingConygre have been providing training for Elite up in Scotland.
QA TrainingQA are the largest provider of technical training courses in the UK, and Conygre provide training expertise in the areas of all aspects of Enterprise Java, UML, XML, JavaScript, Web design and other internet related technologies.
Quanta TrainingConygre have been providing XML, XML Spy, Java and UML training to the clients of Quanta Training, Worcester, UK.
IPSO FactoConygre have been providing Java and Java Enterprise Edition training to the clients of IPSO Facto, Southampton, UK.
Mallon AssociatesConygre provide instructional expertise to Mallon Associates for the award winning Deutsche Bank Worldwide Graduate Training Program.
Neueda Technologies, IrelandConygre have been providing XML, XML Spy, and Java training to the clients of the Irish training company Neueda Technologies.